• Are there good websites with dissertation samples?

    Finding a good sample for a dissertation is sometimes as daunting as creating the original dissertation.  When a student doesn’t want to make another trip into the local library, but they need to find a sample dissertation online, they have to know how to find.

    A writer can always find samples online, however, not all websites are created equal, and there are some places that have samples, which just aren’t good enough for the student.  It’s up to the student to know how to determine if the website has solid examples.  A difficult task if the student doesn’t know what to look for in a sample.

    Student can find websites with good dissertation samples if they know what they are looking for and where to look.   

    Websites to Look For:

    • Student and writers should look for websites that are dot gov, dot edu, and dot org domains.  These domains are reserved for site that are for informational purposes only.  These sites will not being trying to sell the viewer anything.  They will give the student the information they need without a price.
    • The student also needs to look for a website that is geared in the world of dissertation and dissertation samples.  They can’t go to a social media site and look for a sample paper.  While this example is common sense, there are some websites that will deceive a student.  They look like a great resources to find samples, but they are really something else.
    • A student should also for university websites that have writing labs.  The online writing labs will have ideas and samples for the student to use.  This information has been made available online it is for the student to use.  The university wants the student to complete a dissertation and have it be successful.   

    This list of websites a student will want to search out, can be very useful for a student/writer to find the samples they need to use to base their own creations off of.  Using these types of websites will be what the student needs to look for when they are looking for great online resources that will have samples of dissertations.

    Knowing what type of websites that they need to look for, will allow the student and writer to find the correct information online, so they don’t have to make yet another trip to the local library in search for a sample dissertation.